Chair Description
1. Easy Gold (Move)
    Fixed Double
2. Mount Hyak (New)
    Fixed Quad
3. Mill Creek (Existing)
    Fixed Double
4. Rampart (New)
    Fixed Quad
5. Creek Run (New)
    Fixed Quad

Mount Hyak chair would replace Keechelus Dbl but would dump off where current Dinosaur chair unload is located on higher terrain. 
Easy Gold would be removed and installed at a new location from base facilities up to new Mt. Hyak chair.
Mill Creek looks to be a re-furbished Dinosaur section on the back side but would stop on Summit. 
Rampart would unload next to a new Mountain Top Resturant and Creek Run would access higher terrain to open up new runs and be an access to a new crossover trail to Central. 
All trails shown that are grey are proposed NEW trails.   The current Day Lodge is not shown and is not expected to be used.

We've recently learned that there are now plans to add a High Speed
Quad. The new HSQ would follow the same line as the current Dino-
saur chair on the south boarder of the resort.  No news yet about the
Hidden Valley side.