From the Seattle Star newspaper  11/17/1939
Big Jump Realized A Dream!

Three years ago Peter Hostmark, newly-installed president of the Pacific Northwestern Ski Association, was invited to accompany Joe F. Bahl, passenger agent for Milwaukee Road, to the scene of what is today known as the Snoqualmie Ski Bowl.

The party tramped all over the bowl area, even hiked almost to the top of Bald peak, then down again and along the old railroad grading.

Your correspondent was standing close by when Joe Bahl popped the question.  "Well, Mr. Hostmark, what do you think of the area for skiing?"

"Fine, fine!" said Hostmark, but replying somewhat in the dull-toned manner of a man brought to earth from a fetching dream. Then came the tip-off to Hostmark's detachment.
      "But it would make a beautiful side for a ski-jumping hill! A magnificient site!" said Peter
        in enthusiastic voice, his eyes running from the steep slope above to the curving terrain

Today that Hostmark dream has been realized.

Hostmark, himself an engineer, drew the plans and the product of $18,000 expenditure by Milwaukee Road now awaits only about 2 feet of snow before it will bid welcome the efforts of the world's greatest ski-jumpers.  Seattle and the Pacific Northwest may rightfully claim one of the most tremendous jumping hills in the United States.


The one big event slated for the new ski bowl hill will be the jumping portion of the national four-way combined championships which have been awarded the Seattle Ski Club and Washington Ski Club jointly for March 30-31. 
       At this time jumpers competing in the four-way championships will leap from the Class B 
       takeoff but the Seattle Ski Club plans staging a special big-time competition from the 
       Class A takeoff in conjunction with the national event.

Do not be suprised if Reidar Andersen, Norway's greatest, and such men as Olav Ulland, Tom Mobraaten and others are battling through the air waves on that redletter date.  Andersen, ending last season's visit in the United States, prophesied that he would be back. 

What such a brilliant field embodying aces like Andersen and Ulland, will do on Milwaukee Road's big hill is problematical. Hostmark predicts that 270-foot jumps will not be surprising. The hill will take that jump handily, according to the man who drew the plans.

Veteran northwest jumpers who have viewed the new hill are enthusiastic over its possibilities.  The inrun has a fine natural curve; is unlimited because of timber free slope above the hill and may thus be modified for varying snow conditions.