The Associated Students of the University of Washington
have recently purchased
60 acres of ski slopes and a lodge from the Northern
Pacific railroad. The site is at
Martin, Washington, near the spot where the Mountaineers
also have a lodge.
Martin is located on the eastern side of the Cascade Range,
about 3 hours from
Seattle by train. It is also accessible by car
by the Snoqualmie Pass highway, but
it is necessary to ski in a little over two miles.
Members of the student body who desire to use the facilities
have formed an
organization to be known as the Husky Winter Sports Club.
There is at present
a cleared area about 200 yards wide and 600 yards long
and they plan further clearing.
They have purchased 2 rope tow lifts for use on the slopes.
The plans for this season are uncertain due to the demainds
being made on railroad
travel. However the club has a nice site, the terrain
has a nice contour and with
future development it will undoubtedly furnish the student
body with a fine ski club.
Gus Erickson